It contains personally identifiable information, such as your name, shipping address, email address, and telephone number, that you voluntarily give to us when you register with the site or our mobile application. We may collect your personal information to provide the best service to you. The informations like mobile number and e-mail address is used for authentication purpose and also to recognise you uniquely, so that we are able to respond to your queries quickly. Address informations have been taken for delivery of the products.
We provide the best shopping experience of vegetables, fruits and cereal by our quality products. We always in a step ahead of your delivery requests. Our team is always ready to clarify your queries.
Any user can access our site in free of cost and any user can purchase the products with gross amount of order. With whom your information will be shared Personal information like address and mobllie number are shared to our agent only when you request for delivery. Other informations like login credentials will not be shared with anyone.
Personal information like address and mobllie number are shared to our agent only when you request for delivery. Other informations like login credentials will not be shared with anyone.
A new user has to provide an unique mobile number and e-mail address while sign up. No previously used mobile number and e-mail address can generate a new user account.
Cancellation will be accepted only if the order is not out for delivery.
Approved refunds will be credited to the respected mode of payments, like UPI or Debit/Credit Card or Internet banking.
I agree to the Terms and Conditions.